DNS:由于网络传输需要IP地址,故需要DNS(Domian Name Server)用于查询给定域名指向的IP
同源策略(The Same-origin Policy):
The same-origin policy restricts which network messages one origin can send to another. For example, the same-origin policy allows inter-origin HTTP requests with GET and POST methods but denies inter-origin PUT and DELETE requests. Additionally, origins can use custom HTTP headers when sending requests to themselves but cannot use custom headers when sending requests to other origins.
The restrictions on reading information received from other origins is also somewhat subtle. For example, the HTML <script> element can execute content retrieved from foreign origins, which means web sites should not rely on the same-origin policy to protect the confidentiality of information in a format that happens to parse as script (e.g., JavaScript source files, JSON format, JSONP services, or JavaScript/gif polyglots). For all such resources, no loss of security would result (and much flexibility would be gained) from adding the Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* header to all responses.
以上解释来自于Same Origin Policy - Web Security (w3.org)
- 诱使用户点击给定链接(钓鱼邮件、钓鱼短信、社工等)
- 可控的DNS服务器(自己搭建一个或者抢一个)
TTL(Time To Live)指的是dns查询结果的有效时间,通过修改TTL为一个较小的值从而实现受害者与DNS服务器的频繁通信,从而保证在修改域名指向的IP时能立即生效
Same Origin Policy - Web Security (w3.org)
利用DNS重绑定攻击专用网络 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
从0到1认识DNS重绑定攻击 - 先知社区 (aliyun.com)